Doclist Method POST

The DOCLIST method allows a company to retrieve a list of available documents, by taxpayer, used in the consent/authorization process. Any form sumbitted to the IRS by TaxStatus can be retrived with this method. These include:

  • IRS 8821 - filled out and signed authorization form, if used to get IRS authorization
  • IRS 4506c - filled out and signed authorization form, if used to get IRS authorization
  • US Drivers license/passport - if you had TaxStatus perform KYC during the signing process
  • Consent language - the language presented to and agreed by the taxpayer during the consent process

Request Path

Submit all doclist requests to the following path.


You will obtain the API endpoint after you register on your account page.


Each request must an OAuth2 tokan and your company Id, assigned by TaxStatus, in the header.


Query String Parameters

Query string parameters are not supported on this method.

/Doclist Request application/json

Post the following payload to retrieve the list of available documents for a taxpayer in the request body.


  • companyId* The company Id of the company this call is on behalf of. If the call is not on behalf of another company, then the registered company Id TaxStatus assigned during the registration process used in the euid field in the header.
  • tin* 9-digit tax id (no spaces or hypens) of the individual or company
  • lastNameOrBusiness* The last name of the taxpayer or business name if business
  • isCompany* Booliean value indicating if this call is for an individual or business

Example request body for the doclist method to retrieve the list of available documents

{ "companyId": "RQV702VI5GC", "tin":"222222222", "lastNameOrBusiness":"Smith", "isCompany": false }

Response Body application/json


  • Last4 The last 4 figits of the Tax Identification Number sent in the request
  • LastNameOrBusiness The last name or business name of the taxpayer
  • Docs An array of available documents
    • DocGroup The group the document resides in. These are Identity, Authorization, or Consent
    • DocDate The date the document was created.
    • DocType The type of the document. These can be License (driver's license), 8821 or 4506, or Consent
    • DocId The Id of the document. This can be used to retrieve the document.

Example response body for the doclist method

{ "Last4":"3333", "LastNameOrBusiness":"Jones", "Docs": [ { "DocGroup" : "identity", "DocDate" : "2023-05-03", "DocType" : "license", "DocID" : "Id-Yuheg83H6D" }, { "DocGroup" : "authorization", "DocDate" : "2023-05-03", "DocType" : "8821", "DocID" : "8821-Yuheg83H6D" }, { "DocGroup" : "consent", "DocDate" : "2023-05-03", "DocType" : "consent", "DocID" : "consent-Yuheg83H6D" } ] }

The reponse codes for the doclist call are standard HTML response codes.

Response Codes

HTTP Status Code Description Explanation
200 Accepted/OK The request has been accepted with no issues
400 Bad Request You are missing some required fields or the Json in the body is missing or malformed
403 Forbidden You do not have authorization to make this call. Possibly your comapany Id is invalid or you are calling on behalf of a company with which you dont have authority.