Transcriptdetail Method POST

The TRANSCRIPTDETAIL method allows a company to retrieve all fields from the requested transcript as key:value pairs in JSON.

Request Path

Submit all transcriptdetail requests to the following path.


You will obtain the API endpoint after you register on your account page.


Each request must an OAuth2 tokan and your company Id, assigned by TaxStatus, in the header.


Query String Parameters

Query string parameters are not supported on this method.

/Transcriptdetail Request application/json

Post the following payload to get the transcript in JSON format.


  • companyId* The company Id of the company this call is on behalf of. If the call is not on behalf of another company, then the registered company Id TaxStatus assigned during the registration process (used in the euid field in the header.
  • tin* 9-digit tax id (no spaces or hypens) of the individual or company
  • transciptType* One of the transcript types: ACTR (Account Transcript), WAID (Income), RECA (Record of Account), RETR (Tax Return Transcript)
  • transcriptForm* The form type to be ordered (1040, 940, 941, 1120, 1065, INCOME, etc.)
  • transcriptPeriod* The tax year and month concatinated together i.e. - 201812

Example call individual request body

{ "companyId": "X94200000", "tin": "222222222", "transcriptType": "ACTR", "transcriptForm": "1040", "transcriptPeriod": "201912" }

{ "companyId": "X94200000", "tin": "222222222", "transcriptType": "RECA", "transcriptForm": "1040", "transcriptPeriod": "201912" }

Example call business request body

{ "companyId": "X94200000", "tin": "555555555", "transcriptType": "ACTR", "transcriptForm": "940", "transcriptPeriod": "201712" }

Response Body application/json

The reponse for the transcriptdetail request will very depending on the form requested. There may be more than 100 key:value pairs. In most cases, you will need to identify which fields are important to your use cases and create a mapping for those. All fields in the IRS transcript will be in the JSON.
You will see a summary section with the most important fields and then a transactions section with the transactions, if applicable to the transcript type. The data values section will have all the fields in the IRS transcript below.

Attributes for Transactions section

  • Code The IRS code for the transaction
  • Desc The IRS description of the transaction
  • Date The date of the transaction
  • Amount The amount, if applicable, to the transaction

Attributes for DataValues section

  • DataSection The section in the transcript where the data is found
  • DataGroup The section in the transcript where the data is found
  • DataKey The IRS name of the field
  • DataValue The value the IRS has for the given field

Example response body for the transcriptdetail method

{ "Data": [{ "Last4": "2222", "Form": "1040", "Period": "201912", "Type": "RECA", "Summary": { "EmptyMessage": null, "AnnualForm": "1040", "Balance": "105.29", "FilingStatus": "MARRIED FILING JOINT", "AGI": "169505.00", "FileDate": "2020-08-17", "LateDate": "2020-08-17", "NoticeDate": "2021-05-24", "LienDate": "2021-05-28", "LevyDate": "2021-07-13", "TotalWages": "172505.00", "TotalIncome": "169505.00" }, "Transactions": [{ "Code": "150", "Desc": "Tax return filed", "Date": "08-17-2020", "Amount": "$18,338.00" }, { "Code": "n/a", "Desc": "30221-479-16715-0", "Date": "", "Amount": "" }, { "Code": "806", "Desc": "W-2 or 1099 withholding", "Date": "04-15-2020", "Amount": "-$16,237.00" }, { "Code": "170", "Desc": "Penalty for not pre-paying tax 08-17-2030", "Date": "08-17-2020", "Amount": "$9.00" }, { "Code": "276", "Desc": "Penalty for late payment of tax", "Date": "08-17-2020", "Amount": "$21.01" } ], "DataValues": [{ "DataSection": "RECA HEADER", "DataGroup": "ACTR HEADER", "DataKey": "NonLabeled0", "DataValue": "RECORD OF ACCOUNT" }, { "DataSection": "RECA HEADER", "DataGroup": "ACTR HEADER", "DataKey": "REQUEST DATE", "DataValue": "11-15-2021" }, { "DataSection": "RECA HEADER", "DataGroup": "ACTR HEADER", "DataKey": "RESPONSE DATE", "DataValue": "11-15-2021" }, { "DataSection": "RECA HEADER", "DataGroup": "ACTR HEADER", "DataKey": "TRACKING NUMBER", "DataValue": "101302573818" }, { "DataSection": "RECA HEADER", "DataGroup": "RETR HEADER", "DataKey": "PTIN", "DataValue": "XXX-XX-2222" }, { "DataSection": "RECA HEADER", "DataGroup": "RETR HEADER", "DataKey": "PREPARER EIN", "DataValue": "XX-XXX9400" }, { "DataSection": "INCOME", "DataGroup": "INCOME", "DataKey": "WAGES, SALARIES, TIPS, ETC", "DataValue": "$172,505.00" }, { "DataSection": "INCOME", "DataGroup": "INCOME", "DataKey": "TAXABLE INTEREST INCOME", "DataValue": "$0.00" }, { "DataSection": "INCOME", "DataGroup": "INCOME", "DataKey": "TAX-EXEMPT INTEREST", "DataValue": "$0.00" }, { "DataSection": "INCOME", "DataGroup": "INCOME", "DataKey": "ORDINARY DIVIDEND INCOME", "DataValue": "$0.00" }, { "DataSection": "INCOME", "DataGroup": "INCOME", "DataKey": "QUALIFIED DIVIDENDS", "DataValue": "$0.00" }, { "DataSection": "INCOME", "DataGroup": "INCOME", "DataKey": "REFUNDS OF STATE/LOCAL TAXES", "DataValue": "$0.00" }, { "DataSection": "INCOME", "DataGroup": "INCOME", "DataKey": "TOTAL INCOME", "DataValue": "$169,505.00" }, { "DataSection": "INCOME", "DataGroup": "INCOME", "DataKey": "TOTAL INCOME PER COMPUTER", "DataValue": "$169,505.00" }, { "DataSection": "ADJUSTMENTS TO INCOME", "DataGroup": "ADJUSTMENTS TO INCOME", "DataKey": "EDUCATOR EXPENSES", "DataValue": "$0.00" }, ... ]}

For our test environment, here are the trancript examples we have:
Taxpayer ID: 222222222
TranscriptPeriod: 202112, TranscriptForm: 1040, TranscriptType: ACTR
TranscriptPeriod: 202112, TranscriptForm: 1040, TranscriptType: RECA
TranscriptPeriod: 202112, TranscriptForm: 1040, TranscriptType: RETR
TranscriptPeriod: 202112, TranscriptForm: INCOME, TranscriptType: WAID
TranscriptPeriod: 202212, TranscriptForm: 1040, TranscriptType: ACTR
TranscriptPeriod: 202212, TranscriptForm: 1040, TranscriptType: RECA
TranscriptPeriod: 202212, TranscriptForm: 1040, TranscriptType: RETR
TranscriptPeriod: 202212, TranscriptForm: INCOME, TranscriptType: WAID
TranscriptPeriod: 202312, TranscriptForm: 1040, TranscriptType: ACTR
TranscriptPeriod: 202312, TranscriptForm: 1040, TranscriptType: RECA
TranscriptPeriod: 202312, TranscriptForm: 1040, TranscriptType: RETR
TranscriptPeriod: 202312, TranscriptForm: INCOME, TranscriptType: WAID

Taxpayer ID: 555555555
TranscriptPeriod: 201712, TranscriptForm: 940, TranscriptType: ACTR
TranscriptPeriod: 202112, TranscriptForm: 940, TranscriptType: ACTR
TranscriptPeriod: 202106, TranscriptForm: 941, TranscriptType: ACTR
TranscriptPeriod: 202109, TranscriptForm: 941, TranscriptType: ACTR
TranscriptPeriod: 202112, TranscriptForm: 1120, TranscriptType: ACTR
TranscriptPeriod: 202012, TranscriptForm: 1120, TranscriptType: ACTR
TranscriptPeriod: 202012, TranscriptForm: 1120, TranscriptType: RECA
TranscriptPeriod: 201712, TranscriptForm: 1120, TranscriptType: RETR

The reponse codes for the Transcriptdetail call are standard HTML response codes.

Response Codes

HTTP Status Code Description Explanation
200 Accepted/OK The request has been accepted with no issues
400 Bad Request You are missing some required fields or the Json in the body is missing or malformed
403 Forbidden You do not have authorization to make this call. Possibly your comapany Id is invalid or you are calling on behalf of a company with which you dont have authority.