Income Method POST

The INCOME method returns all income sources for a taxpayer, by tax year, for an individual. If the taxpayer has filed a Schedule C, it will be returned as well. For a business, Gross Income, Ordinary Income, and Net Salaries are returned by tax year.

Request Path

Submit all income requests to the following path.


You will obtain the API endpoint after you register on your account page.


Each request must an Oauth2 tokan and your company Id, assigned by TaxStatus, in the header.


Query String Parameters

Query string parameters are not supported on this method.

/Income Request application/json

This method income releated data for an individual or business by tax year.

Below are the attributes for the Income method.


  • companyId* The company Id of the company this call is on behalf of. If the call is not on behalf of another company, then the registered company Id TaxStatus assigned during the registration process (used in the euid field in the header.
  • tin* 9-digit tax id (no spaces or hypens) of the individual or company
  • isCompany* Zero (0) if tin is an SSN or one (1) if tin is an EIN

Example call request body for an individual

{ "companyId": "enco45100", "tin": "333333333", "isCompany": 0 }

Example call request body for a business

{ "companyId": "enco45100", "tin": "555555555", "isCompany": 1 }

Response Body application/json

The following is a list of all possible fields for an individual taxpayer.


  • SSN The SSN sent in the request
  • Income An array of objects for each year available from the IRS
    • TaxYear The tax year this list applies
    • ReportDate Indicates date the information was received from IRS
    • IncomeType The IRS form from which the income was reported
    • IncomeAmount Amount reported from the income source
    • IncomeFrom The type of income, such as wages or a compensation
    • Company The company that issued the income
  • ScheduleC An array of objects for each year if a Schedule C was filed
    • TaxYear The tax year this list applies
    • ReportDate Indicates date the information was received from IRS
    • Filed The date the Schedule C was filed
    • BusinessIncome Amount reported from the income source
    • Gross The Gross Aomount reported to the IRS
    • Wages The Wages reported to the IRS
    • EIN The last four digits of the EIN if available

Example response body for an individual with Schedule C available

{ "SSN": "XXX-XX-3333", "Income": [{ "TaxYear": 2012, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 33994.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "STATE OF MONTANA 2402" }, { "TaxYear": 2012, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 149.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGESERVICE 2789" }, { "TaxYear": 2013, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 14437.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "AYERS LAKE FARM CAMPGROUND 8481" }, { "TaxYear": 2013, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 10982.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "STATE OF MONTANA 2402" }, { "TaxYear": 2013, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 149.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGESERVICE 2789" }, { "TaxYear": 2014, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 22140.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "CAROLYN S BEDFORD 8481" }, { "TaxYear": 2014, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 149.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGESERVICE 2789" }, { "TaxYear": 2015, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 31522.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "AYERS LAKE FARM CAMPGROUND \u0026COJ 8481" }, { "TaxYear": 2015, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 149.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGESERVICE 2789" }, { "TaxYear": 2016, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 44944.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "CAROLYN S BEDFORD 8481" }, { "TaxYear": 2016, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 278.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGESERVICE 2789" }, { "TaxYear": 2017, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 59667.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "CAROLYN S BEDFORD 8481" }, { "TaxYear": 2017, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 278.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGESERVICE 2789" }, { "TaxYear": 2018, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form 1099-MISC", "IncomeAmount": 20000.00, "IncomeFrom": "Non-Employee Compensation:", "Company": "AYERS LAKE FARM CAMPGROUND \u0026COTTAGES 8481" }, { "TaxYear": 2018, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 53655.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "CAROLYN S BEDFORD 8481" }, { "TaxYear": 2018, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 278.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGESERVICE 2789" }, { "TaxYear": 2018, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 1996.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "VELCRO USA INC 7668" }, { "TaxYear": 2019, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form 1099-MISC", "IncomeAmount": 3462.00, "IncomeFrom": "Non-Employee Compensation:", "Company": "BIG MOOSE RV SALES CORPORATLON 3857" }, { "TaxYear": 2019, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form 1099-S", "IncomeAmount": 250000.00, "IncomeFrom": "Gross Proceeds:", "Company": "SWEENEY \u0026 SWEENEY ATTORNEYS ANDCOUNSELL 7837" }, { "TaxYear": 2019, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 278.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGESERVICE 2789" }, { "TaxYear": 2019, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 19445.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "VELCRO USA INC 7668" }, { "TaxYear": 2020, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form 1098", "IncomeAmount": 5484.00, "IncomeFrom": "Mortgage Interest Received fromPayer(s)/Borrower(s):", "Company": "CITIZENS ALLIANCE BANK 0810" }, { "TaxYear": 2020, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 278.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGESERVICE 2789" }, { "TaxYear": 2020, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "IncomeType": "Form 1098", "IncomeAmount": 2204.00, "IncomeFrom": "Mortgage Interest Received fromPayer(s)/Borrower(s):", "Company": "GLACIER BANK 1125" }], "ScheduleC": [{ "TaxYear": 2019, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "Filed": "Apr.15, 2020", "BusinessIncome": -17025.00, "Gross": 5967.00, "Wages": 0.00, "EIN": "XX-XXX5555" }] }

Example response body for an individual without Schedule C available

{ "SSN": "XXX-XX-2222", "Income": [{ "TaxYear": 2019, "ReportDate": "01-07-2022", "IncomeType": "Form SSA-1099", "IncomeAmount": 4698.00, "IncomeFrom": "Pensions and Annuities (Total Benefits Paid):", "Company": "SOCI 4813" }, { "TaxYear": 2019, "ReportDate": "01-07-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 1363.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "NEWB 6553" }, { "TaxYear": 2020, "ReportDate": "01-07-2022", "IncomeType": "Form 1099-INT", "IncomeAmount": 58.00, "IncomeFrom": "Interest:", "Company": "U S 8424" }, { "TaxYear": 2020, "ReportDate": "01-07-2022", "IncomeType": "Form SSA-1099", "IncomeAmount": 5778.00, "IncomeFrom": "Pensions and Annuities (Total Benefits Paid):", "Company": "SOCI 4813" }, { "TaxYear": 2020, "ReportDate": "01-07-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 688.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "WORK 4800" }, { "TaxYear": 2020, "ReportDate": "01-07-2022", "IncomeType": "Form W-2", "IncomeAmount": 392.00, "IncomeFrom": "Wages", "Company": "SUMT 0025" }] }

Example response body for a business

{ "EIN": "XX-XXX5555", "Income": [{ "TaxYear": 2012, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "05-20-2013", "Gross": 0.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 0.00, "OfficerCompensation": 0.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }, { "TaxYear": 2013, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "04-14-2014", "Gross": 0.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 0.00, "OfficerCompensation": 0.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }, { "TaxYear": 2014, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "05-25-2015", "Gross": 0.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 0.00, "OfficerCompensation": 0.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }, { "TaxYear": 2015, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "04-04-2016", "Gross": 0.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 0.00, "OfficerCompensation": 0.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }, { "TaxYear": 2016, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "04-03-2017", "Gross": 0.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 0.00, "OfficerCompensation": 0.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }, { "TaxYear": 2017, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "04-02-2018", "Gross": 0.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 0.00, "OfficerCompensation": 0.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }, { "TaxYear": 2018, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "03-02-2019", "Gross": 4194889.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 4194889.00, "OfficerCompensation": 1064673.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }, { "TaxYear": 2019, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "03-14-2020", "Gross": 7878348.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 7878348.00, "OfficerCompensation": 1099586.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }, { "TaxYear": 2020, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "05-17-2021", "Gross": 5041236.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 5041236.00, "OfficerCompensation": 1391446.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }, { "TaxYear": 2021, "ReportDate": "01-12-2022", "FilingDate": "", "Gross": 0.00, "OrdinaryIncome": 0.00, "OfficerCompensation": 0.00, "NetSalaries": 0.00 }] }

Example response when taxpayer is not in the system.

{"taxpayer":"Waiting on IRS"}

The possible reponse codes are below.

Response Codes

HTTP Status Code Description Explanation
200 Accepted/OK The request has been accepted with no issues
400 Bad Request You are missing some required fields or the Json in the body is missing or malformed
403 Forbidden You do not have authorization to make this call. Possibly your comapany Id is invalid or you are calling on behalf of a company with which you dont have authority.